Green, digital, and sustainable transition for technology and process optimization in Energy- intensive Industries


Project ID: GA 101180298 – GreenStep
Call: Capacity Building Strand 2b under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument (I3-2023-CAP2b)
Funding: Funded by the European Union


24 months

Consortium members

Archipiélago Next (AN) (Spain)
Agentura regionálního rozvoje spol. s r.o. (ARR) (Czech Republic)
BalticNet-PlasmaTec (BNPT) (Germany)
Technical University of Liberec (CXI TUL) (Czech Republic)
Kaunas University of Technology (KUT) (Lithuania)
Mazovia Cluster ICT (MCICT) (Poland)
MetaIndustry4 (MI4) (Spain)
Nanoprogress (NP) (Czech Republic) – PROJECT COORDINATOR
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) (Portugal)
Cluster for the efficient use of water (ZINNAE) (Spain)


Total project budget: €1 339 386.94
ERDF Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument
Funding rate: 100%

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them


GreenStep is a transformative project aimed at empowering capacity in less developed regions by fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, green and digital transitions, and alignment of S3 strategies leading to enhanced innovation and economic growth.

GreenStep will lay the foundations for long-term collaboration among Q-helix stakeholders in Energy-intensive industries (EIIs) value chains, bringing together 8 regions from 6 different countries.

The consortium is formed by 5 clusters, 2 universities, 2 companies, and 1 government body, operating as a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, and interregional network. Through interregional cooperation and investments, GreenStep aims to fortify regional innovation ecosystems and EIIs value chains through stakeholder engagement at multiple levels to ensure a broad impact.

Action plan

For this, the project methodology has been designed as 5 progressive steps complementing and nurturing each other:
1. Dive into S3 Strategies in GreenStep regions and analyse their individual innovation ecosystems based in EIIs.
2. Build the bridge between project regions towards the creation of a GreenStep Ecosystem.
3. Connect the Q-helix stakeholders in GreenStep regions to broaden networks and strengthen cooperation.
4. Promote interregional investment projects.
5. Define a roadmap to ensure the project’s long-term sustainability, moving the interregional investment projects to the next level.

This networking framework will be structured around the GreenStep Platform, an “out of the box” way of thinking in which Q-helix in regions exchanges strategies, challenges, and needs, building GreenStep ecosystem and ensuring the long-term sustainability of project actions.


GeenStep roadmap aims not only to uplift less developed regions but also to provide a replicable model for collaborative innovation across the EU. By prioritising energy and leveraging the successful experiences of Energy-intensive industries participating in investment projects, GreenStep seeks to catalyse sustainable development and inclusive growth across a diverse range of regions.