The H2ORA project (AEI 2023 call) will be introduced into the CPIFP Corona de Aragón.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Luisi Ferrandez contributed 100 entries already.
The H2ORA project (AEI 2023 call) will be introduced into the CPIFP Corona de Aragón.
ARAGON is present at the S3 Conference in Rimini, with representatives from the Government of Aragon, AREX, ITA and the IDIA and ZINNAE clusters.
The animated video of the European project UPSTREAM – For waste free European rivers, is now available.
ZINNAE participated in the meeting of the Governing Board of the WATER4ALL project in Paris on 26 and 27 November to discuss the work done and future actions. WATER4ALL is a partnership of more than 90 international partners from 33 countries working together to address the challenges of the water sector. ZINNAE has been designated […]
Successful participation in the 8th edition of the ‘Pencils and Smiles’, campaign to collect school supplies for vulnerable families, in which ZINNAE has collaborated.
ZINNAE participated in the IMPACT FORUM (Barcelona, 7/11/2024), organised by Ship2B Foundation and IMPACT HUB.
Holding of a working breakfast on 29/10/2024 for ZINNAE members at SIMOP ESPAÑA’s facilities in Bujaraloz (Zaragoza).
Working day of the consortium of the international project UPSTREAM, in October 2024 in Mytilene (Lesvos), with the active participation of ZINNAE.
CIRCINWATER and WEFTEC 2024, one of the largest wáter industry events in the world.
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