Innovation and Development in Cluster excellence and cooperative partnerships
Innovation and Development in Cluster excellence and cooperative partnerships
Implementation period
Scope of work
Adaptive management and governance
BalticNet-PlasmaTec (Alemania) – Coordinator and leader of work package 2 and WP5
Nanoprogress (República Checa) – Leader of WP1
ZINNAE (España) – Leader of WP4
This project has been funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union. The contents of this page represent the views of the author and are solely the responsibility of the author; they cannot be regarded as reflecting the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any member of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency accept no responsibility for any use that may have been made of the information contained therein.
The project “Innovation and Development in Cluster Excellence and Cooperative Partnerships” (INNO-DROP) is based on the ambition to strengthen cluster management excellence towards long-term sustainable collaboration between clusters from different sectors and regions. The consortium comprises four European clusters: nanotechnology, plasma, sensors and membranes, and water; members of two European Strategic Cluster Partnerships (ESCP-4i) selected by EASME in the framework of the COSME – Clusters Go International Programme (ESCP-4i AdPack and EnW).
Different skill sets, experiences, geographical origins and cultural backgrounds create a solid basis for knowledge exchange and collaboration between the project partners, their members and their respective ESCP-4i. The project will also analyse clusters that do not yet have a certification of excellence (Seal) to achieve the Bronze Seal of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI). The specific needs of SMEs in all clusters will also be assessed, leading to the implementation of competitiveness and internationalisation support services.
O1 COORDINATE. Improve cluster management, added value and excellence through better coordination and cluster strategy.
O2 INNOVATE. To increase the competitiveness of clusters and the innovation and growth potential of their members.
O3 COLLABORATE. Facilitate cross-sectoral learning and cooperation in and beyond emerging industries.
O4 COMMUNICATE. Disseminate cluster excellence practices and results among clusters of participants, their members and other stakeholders.
Project partners will jointly undertake a range of activities such as training, joint learning events, mentoring sessions, and study tours and identify best practices, processes and tools to support the excellent management of their partnership/cluster. The information gathered and lessons learnt will lead to the creation of new services for SMEs, the publication of projects, new/improved medium-term cluster strategies for each partner and an individual consolidated approach for INNO-DROP based on individual strategies that will sustain future collaboration of all partners beyond the project period.