Water Smart Territories

Project information

Water Smart Territories (WST) is a smart specialisation platform that was created in September 2019 in the context of responding to the trends that will determine the competitiveness of the European water industry:

1) Driving resilient infrastructures: Ageing infrastructures and low investment in operation and maintenance; persistent and emerging pollutants, water losses and resource scarcity.

2) Digitalisation: Business intelligence, big data -acquisition and management-, sensors, robotics, virtual reality are new elements that could facilitate water management for different water users and uses.

3) Circular economy: resource recovery, sludge valorisation, water reuse, energy efficiency.

4) Enabling multi-stakeholder governance: water should be managed for multiple water users: agriculture, urban and industrial water consumers.

The mission of this WST partnership is to strengthen the innovation capacity of European regions beyond resource efficiency, in order to facilitate new investments based on open innovation infrastructures and new technologies for sustainable water management by key actors in regional ecosystems. Closer and interdisciplinary collaboration between partner regions and regional cluster organisations will respond to the challenges of the water industry by providing advanced technological solutions to address the needs of European water territories and society.


The regions that are part of the partnership are listed below:

Lead regions: Aragon (ES), Centre-Val de Loire (FR), Province of Friesland (NL).

Participating regions: Catalonia (ES), Crete (EL), Grand Est (FR), Kainuu (FI), Latvia (LV), Liberec Region (CZ), Lombardy (IT), Malta (MT), North (PT), North-East Romania (RO), North-West Romania (RO), Northern Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa; Oulu (city of Oulu) subregion) (FI), Northern Savonia (Pohjois-Savo) (FI), Occitanie (FR), Olomouc (CZ), Pays de la Loire (FR), Rhineland-Palatinate (DE), Scotland (UK), Slovenia (SI), South Moravia (CZ), South Savo (FI), Wallonia (BE), South Central Area (BG).


WST has developed a project idea with three main dimensions:

-Engaging and connecting existing innovation platforms, testbeds and services (capitalising and supporting new investments).

-Supporting SMEs to launch and fund pilot and demonstration projects.

-Connecting ecosystems with a digital platform to facilitate SME technology development and internationalisation/market testing.


These dimensions described above are materialised in the following concrete objectives:

-Pay particular attention to supporting cross-sectoral collaboration in the water and ICT sectors, as well as highlighting the most promising innovations.

-Exchange experiences in inter-regional value chains, investment pipelines.

-Enhance industrial dialogue through investment platforms enabling the development of innovative technologies and services.

-Create new joint projects and activities that boost regional cooperation through innovations that go beyond the state of the art.

-Promote EU water technologies and innovative solutions beyond Europe by promoting internationalisation activities for SMEs.


The partners that are part of the WST are listed below:

-ACCIO, Generalitat de Catalunya (ES)
-Aqua Valley (FR)
-Aragon Exterior (ES)
-Catalan Water Association (ES)
-Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SI)
-CITA- Centre for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon (ES)
-CREA- Hydro&Energy Cluster (CZ)
-H2O Cluster (BE)
-DREAM Eau et Milieux (FR)
-Ecoliance Reinland-Pfatz (DE)
-East Aegean River basin (BG)
-Green Sinergy Cluster (BG)
-Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation (CZ)
-Kupio Water Cluster (FI)
-Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (IT)
-Malta Intelligent Energy Management Office MIEMA (MT)
-Mikkeli Miksei Development (FI)
-Nanoprogress (CZ)
-National Institute of Chemistry (SI)
-South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (FI)
-University of Ljubljana (SI)
-University of Minho (PT)
-University of Oulu (FI)
-Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld (DE)
-Water Ecosystem (FI)
-Water Alliance (NL)
-Wetsus/WaterCampus Leeuwarden (NL)
-ZINNAE Cluster for the efficient use of water (ES)