Aragón exterior


Description of the company

The specific objective of Aragón Exterior (AREX) is to promote the opening of the Aragonese economy abroad. It also enables the internationalisation of Aragonese companies, establishing and consolidating foreign companies in Aragon.

We provide specific services to help Aragonese companies to overcome the barriers they may encounter in their international activity. To this end, we have an extensive network of experts in more than 100 countries, and our commitment is to work with the most appropriate specialists for each project. Aragón Exterior specialises in individual projects, monitored by specialised technicians by sector in Aragón and execution at the destination through consultants with experience in the country. This leading service is complemented by additional advisory and support services. We also develop sectorial promotion plans and organise collective actions to strengthen the Aragonese foreign sector.

ADDRESS: Avda. de Ranillas, 3A , Oficina 2ºA 50018 Zaragoza, España
PHONE: +34 976 221 571
CONTACT: Sara Espuelas