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Aragon research and experimentation laboratory for the promotion of efficiency and sustainability in water management

The current situation of drought and the medium and long-term forecasts of the climate crisis accentuate the importance of innovation and the search for efficient solutions from an environmental, economic and social point of view, and increase sustainability in water management in Aragonese municipalities, as well as the sector’s capacity to face these challenges.

Through this agreement, the IAA and ZINNAE propose to carry out pilot projects in Aragonese municipalities to analyse the results of technological or process innovation. The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, through the IAA, undertakes to provide the hydraulic infrastructures managed by the IAA for the validation of innovative solutions and to participate with ZINNAE annually in the identification of challenges for the development of demonstrative pilot projects, as well as to collaborate at a technical level in the analysis and assessment of the results of the pilot projects. ZINNAE, for its part, will provide technical knowledge through its partners, companies and research centres, for the development of innovative solutions to the challenges identified in the Aragonese municipalities, and will identify funding opportunities for the development of pilot projects. Furthermore, in order to provide a framework for the development of these demonstrative pilot projects, ZINNAE has European recognition, having been selected by the Water4all partnership as one of the Euroean Water-Oriented Living Labs for its work in facilitating collaboration between companies, public administrations, research centres and social entities in the development of innovation.

This work will be complemented with the dissemination of results through the organisation of events and conferences to disseminate and share results.

Objectives of the agreement:

1. To accelerate the application of environmentally, economically and socially sustainable solutions to the challenges of water management in Aragonese municipalities through the development of pilot projects in real environments.

2. To collaborate in the identification of training and professional training needs in the sector, as well as in the elaboration of programmes, guides, materials that are applicable, as well as in the dissemination of information through courses, conferences and different events.

3. To promote the collaboration of local, regional and state public administrations, research centres, companies and social entities in the search for sustainable and resilient solutions in the management of the complete water cycle in Aragon.

4. Identify opportunities for collaboration with other entities that share the same objectives at national and European level.

A monitoring committee has been set up to ensure compliance with these objectives and the implementation of actions.