

Company Description

CONTROL 7 S.A.U. is a service company in the fields of Consulting, Research and Analysis for Quality Assurance and Control; its main activity is as a Testing Laboratory and as an Inspection Entity, having the corresponding Accreditations, Responsible Declarations and Administrative Registrations.

Founded in Zaragoza in July 1990, it has perfectly well-equipped laboratory facilities. In 1994 it joined the Elsamex Group as one of its subsidiaries in the area of quality control laboratories.

ADDRESS: Polígono Malpica Calle E, Parcela 59-61, nave 9 50057 Zaragoza
PHONE: +34 976 571 227 / +34 976 573 754

CONTROL 7 S.A.U. has been and is involved in works, studies, projects and services of high technical level in the whole national territory for Public Organisms, as well as with the leading Engineering Companies, Construction Companies, Plants of aggregates, concretes, bituminous mixtures and prefabricated products.

The facilities, offices and laboratories for physical and mechanical tests and environmental, chemical and microbiological tests are located in a two-storey building in Zaragoza, allowing us to carry out all possible tests, determinations and analyses in the accredited areas of activity. The company has an office in Tarazona (Zaragoza) for quality control in its area of influence (Soria, La Rioja, Navarra). In both facilities, the equipment and instruments respond to the most modern technologies available in the market.

CONTROL 7 S.A.U. performs its activity as a Testing Laboratory for quality control in construction and building according to the UNE-EN-ISO/IEC-17025 standard. These laboratories are officially registered using Responsible Declarations in the Areas GT, VS, PS, EH, EA and EFA before the Government of Aragon, and the Ministry of Public Works (FOM 2060/2002), for the Quality Control of Construction.

The Environmental Testing Laboratory is accredited by ENAC (No. 384/LE849), according to UNE EN ISO/IEC 17025, for the analysis of discharges, inland and wastewater, leachates, sludge and other matrices. It also has ENAC accreditation as a Testing Laboratory in Solid Recovered Fuels (No. 384/LE2127) according to UNE ISO/IEC 17205. Likewise, in the area of Environmental Inspection Entity, we act by the criteria of UNE EN ISO 17020, accredited by ENAC (No. 249/EI421). The entire company and its activities are subject to the guidelines of the Environmental Management Certificate implemented according to UNE EN ISO 14001.