H2ï analytics


Company description

h2ï analytics S.L. is a spin-off of the University of Zaragoza specialized in the field of research, exploration and exploitation of water resources. We work with hydrological and hydrogeological simulation tools, simulation platforms in the cloud and artificial intelligence.

We articulate our portfolio of services in three main lines:

  • Ground: hydrogeological and environmental consulting studies. More information at https://hdosi.es/servicios/
  • Sense: Continuous sensing services for ecological parameters.
  • Siwa: Digital platform for predicting the availability and quality of groundwater resources, /9 based on IoT and Artificial Intelligence tools. The objective is to get the most out of the data and previous experience available to improve the water security of the operation. More information at https://hdosi.es/siwa-info/

ADDRESS: Edificio CEMINEM SPINUP s/n, C. de Mariano Esquillor Gómez, 50018 Zaragoza
E-MAIL: hola@hdosi.es