Velaber Consulting


Description of the company

Velaber Consulting aims to:

  • The management and coordination of projects at the national or European level related to environmental issues.
  • The management of consulting activities related to the management of Quality, Environment, Occupational Risk Prevention and Continuous Improvement.
  • The development of training and dissemination activities related to technical issues.
  • The commercialisation of products and services related to the integral water cycle and renewable energies.

ADDRESS: Calle de Mariano Esquillor Gómez S/N
Campus Rio Ebro
CEMINEM SPINUP Laboratorio Nº 01.260
50018 Zaragoza
PHONE: +34 657 55 86 18


Technological capabilities

  • Development of projects related to the Integral Water Cycle from start to finish following the following work system:
  • Consulting. Performing a preliminary analysis of the situation through relevant analytical and treatability studies.
  • Design: Working on different alternatives and following criteria of Quality, Environment, Prevention, continuous improvement of process parameters and cost reduction.
  • Installation: Adaptation of the facilities to the environment with professional equipment and telematic automation of plants.
  • Start-up: Start-up and prior training of the client’s personnel and analysis and follow-up services.
  • After-sales service: Continuous advice for the resolution of incidents. Plant operation and control and Predictive, Preventive and Productive Maintenance.


Lines of activity

  • Projects related to the integral water cycle:
  • Conditioning process water (Filtration systems, dechlorination, decalcification, demineralisation, osmosis, dosing, disinfection….).
  • Effluent treatment (physical-chemical, biological, tertiary, sludge treatment).
  • Water reuse systems apply the necessary techniques depending on the problem.
  • Lean Water
  • Invasive species eradication