Zeta Amaltea


Company description

Consulting company specialising in Hydrological Planning, Hydrogeology and Agro-Hydrology. We deal with all aspects related to the characterisation of the water environment, intelligent monitoring, water uses, problem analysis and the proposal of the most appropriate measures for water security.

ADRESS: C/ Carlos Marx, 13 – Local 50.015 ZARAGOZA
PHONE: 976 223 044


Water security

Contributing to water security is our raison d’être. To this end, we offer our services under an integrated approach where knowledge, experience and technology come together to provide solutions for water’s sustainable and profitable use in all its dimensions.

Quantitative and qualitative characterisation of the water cycle in any territorial area, intelligent monitoring and modelling are part of our portfolio of solutions for our institutional and private, national and international clients.

Experience in projects funded by public R&D&I support programmes, highlighting:

  • LIFE Nitrates (LIFE+ 2010-2015). Impact of agricultural practices on nitrate pollution of inland waters.
  • FREEWAT (H2020): Free and Open Source Software Tools for Water Resource Management.
  • Nitrates Cooperation Group, funded by the Rural Development Plan of Aragon 2014-2020.

Hydrological Planning

  • Evaluation and exploitation of water resources. Economic and risk analysis of water uses
  • Water use efficiency audit. Optimisation based on intelligent monitoring systems, multi-criteria, and cost-effectiveness analysis.
  • Integration of environmental services in water management, making the guaranteeing of demands, good condition of water bodies and anticipation of drought phenomena compatible.
  • Administrative procedures for the concession of uses and discharges.
  • Development of water information systems and decision support.


Main services


  • Evaluation and use of subway resources as a source of water and energy resources.
  • Studies of environmental impacts and other uses through hydrological modelling.
  • Use of the environmental services of the urban subsoil: self-treatment of nutrients and other pollutants and ecosystem support.


  • Precision irrigation based on soil hydraulic properties.
  • Analysis of diffuse water pollution due to agricultural sources.
  • Evaluation of the environmental cost of irrigation.
  • Management recommendations for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Optimization of irrigation investments.
  • Water quality and groundwater contamination analysis.

Water governance

  • Adaptation plans to the effects of climate change.
  • Drought management plans.
  • Design and development of water information systems.
  • Mediation in conflicts related to water uses based on economic and regulatory analysis.