DAB biotechnology


Company Description

DAB is a biotechnology company that distributes and develops bacterial formulations that enhance the nutrient and waste recycling process for agriculture, aquaculture, wastewater treatment and environmental remediation applications.

We are continually pioneering new formulations, investing in the future development of cutting-edge technologies and finding new and sustainable ways to address global food production and environmental challenges.

The BluePlanet product range addresses problems in agribusiness, where our innovative formulations significantly improve manure management, increase crop yields, restore soil health and reduce reliance on chemical fertilisers and pesticides while significantly improving farmers’ economics.

ADDRESS: Calle san Antonio, 5, Libros, 44132 , Teruel
PHONE: 917036200
E-MAIL: info@dab-biotecnologia.es

Our technology optimices anaerobic and aerobic processes to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes while substantially reducing the operating costs of wastewater treatment plants and improving overall facility performance.

Our solutions are highly effective for in situ remediations of oil spills and industry discharges and for bioremediation of contaminated water bodies and soils.
Bioremediation of contaminated water and soils

The concern for the ecological state of our environment due to human activity has led us to develop BluePlanet Labs™ products to carry out bioremediation of both water bodies and contaminated soils.

Our work meets the objectives:

  • Elimination of Odours and improvement of visual condition.
  • Remediation of contaminated beds
  • Reduction of the organic part of the sludge present at the bottom.
  • General improvement of the quality of water bodies.
  • Restoration of a highly effective and endemic bacterial population in brackish waters.
  • Improvement of the Eutrophic-Hypertrophic state will lead to a reduction in the presence of algae, resulting in lower turbidity, optimization of dissolved oxygen in the reservoir and, therefore overall improvement of the ecosystem.


BLUEPLANET LABS™ PRODUCTS generate a significant increase in yields in the agricultural industry, primarily by improving crop yields, treatment costs, and environmental impact. By improving soil biological activity and providing better structure and effective biodiversity, BluePlanet Labs™ products increase plant nutrient uptake and help improve resistance to pathogens and other stress-related factors, directly lowering costs and increasing profits.

Benefits include increased Water Utilization, improved resistance to water stress, optimised fertiliser needs, and improved water resistance.

Wastewater and waste treatment systems

BluePlanet Labs’ basic product is a unique natural consortium of bio-cultures containing highly effective aerobic, facultative-anaerobic, chemo- and photosynthetic microorganisms that feed on the nutrients and energy present in the organic matter of the effluent, ensuring maximum efficiency in the installation and being perfectly safe for humans, animals and plants.

BluePlanet Labs technology can help reduce most of the standard parameters, highly effective in reducing BOD, COD, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitrates, inorganic nutrients, pesticides and fungicides, and to a limited extent, metals.